
Showing posts from June, 2017

Explore Your Own Adventures And Form Your Own Identities By Choosing Right Outfit

Have you ever thought that who made our clothes and how much they’re paid for this?Our clothes have passed a long journey before placing in store shelves;they are passing through the hands of many persons. There are approximately 75 million people who make our clothes. Amongst them 80% are women between the ages of 18 and 35 who are working against a very little pay.Fashion Revolution believes that the whole fashion industry needs a rapid change and the way we consume clothes needs to be transformed. This means that business models should change accordingly and a number of latest and unique solutions will be required. Fashion revolution If you are someone who buys and wears fashion outfits or you work in the industry in supply chain segment or if you’re a policymaker having an impact on legal requirements, then you are accountable for the impact of fashion that has on people’s lives and on nature. Stevie May dresses is for the universal explorer. Being a vagabond adventure